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A Guide to Crane Safety

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A Guide to Crane Safety

a group of crane workers practicing crane safety

As one of the biggest pieces of machinery known to man, there are strict procedures and protocols in place for when it comes to operating a crane. To avoid any injuries or mishaps, there are a number of rules surrounding crane safety that must be adhered to in order to protect those working on construction sites.

NMT Crane Hire Ltd have written this post to outline the basics in crane safety.

Crane Safety Checks

One of the most important parts of ensuring a crane is ready for operation is ensuring every aspect of the machine is in full working order. During every stage of the assembly process, if there are any issues with any part of the crane, then the assembly process should be stopped and the issue must be investigated. Similarly, if the crane has been fully assembled and is in operation and a problem arises, then any work should be postponed. It must be stated that there is a dedicated team of technicians and operators on every crane site that are always surveying the machine and the project, so any problems should be detected early on.


Operating a crane is a complex task that requires thorough training, and a basic guideline of crane safety is that the machine should only be operated by a qualified operator or technician. If, for your project, you have selected a contract lift hire option, the contracting firm will provide a full team of qualified, experienced individuals to oversee and carry out the work on your project. If, however, you have opted for a CPA lift hire option, you must ensure you have a fully qualified operator available to operate your crane.

Bad Weather

Similar to the crane safety checks, the weather must also be surveyed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your project. If high winds or any other adverse weather conditions are hindering your lift or are causing any other safety concerns, then the lift should be abandoned immediately. It is always best to err on the side of caution and if the weather is making an operation uncomfortable then postpone it and resume when the weather is more favourable to your project.

To find out more about how to operate a crane in adverse weather conditions, read our blog: How to Operate a Crane in Bad Weather.

Contact NMT Crane Hire Ltd

If you wish to enlist the support of any of our mobile cranes for your latest project, contact NMT Crane Hire Ltd today to find out more about all of our hiring options. Call us on 0800 026 6985 or leave us a message via our online contact form.

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